
NRA Members’ Petition Nomination - (Read letter here)
I am honored to be nominated by The Members through the petition process. I humbly thank the hundreds of NRA voting members who signed my petitions, nominating me to represent them on the NRA’s Board of Directors.

NRA Nominating Committee Nomination - (Read letter here)
The NRA Nominating Committee is comprised of a total of nine members elected by the Board of Directors, six (6) of whom are NRA Directors and three (3) of whom are non-Board NRA Life Members.

The Honorable Charles W. Welch III - (Read letter here)
Judge Welch is an NRA Life Member, a retired Judge of the Delaware Court of Common Pleas, the former Delaware House Major Whip, and a recipient of the NRA-ILA Defender of Freedom Award.

The Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association - (Read letter here)
The Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association is NRA’s State Association for Delaware, boasting over 5,000 members.

The Bridgeville Rifle & Pistol Club - (Read letter here)
The Bridgeville Rifle and Pistol Club is an All-NRA competitive shooting club boasting in excess of 1,700 NRA members.

The Florida Sport Shooting Association - (Read letter here)
The Florida Sport Shooting Association is NRA’s State Association in Florida.