NRA Board Experience
"In times of crisis,
experience counts, leadership counts, loyalty counts, integrity counts."
Captain John C. Sigler (Ret.) - JD
"The Members' President"
"Experience for the
We are at a critical crossroads in the history of the
National Rifle Association of America. Like many other rank-in-file NRA
members, I fear for the future of NRA.
I am angry at how we got here, and I feel compelled to do
something about it.
As a Past President of the National Rifle Association of
America perhaps I should be content to sit in the back row with the other past-president
members of the honorary Executive Council ("The Old Goats Club") and simply be content
to watch as "The New Breed" attempts to find its way through the complex morass
of difficult issues now facing the NRA. But I am not - that's not my style.
Now is not the time for steep,
up-hill learning curves and "crash-course, on-the-job-training." Now is the time for doing - doing what is
right for our members, and doing what is needed to save the most important
organization American Freedom has ever known.
I love the NRA. I have devoted much
of my life to the NRA. I simply cannot sit back and watch as others struggle to
learn the hard and sometimes complex lessons I have already paid so dearly to learn.
I still have much to give to the NRA and, with your help and
your vote, I intend to give as much as I can for as long as I can to the cause
of Freedom and to "Freedom's Messenger," the National Rifle Association of
For that reason, and that reason alone, I am once again
seeking the privilege of serving on the Board of Directors of the National
Rifle Association of America. (Please go to the "Why I Am Running" page of this
website for more details and for my "Platform").
Experience Counts -
Especially Now
NRA Committee
During my time on the NRA Board of Directors I was
privileged to serve on, and in some cases Chair, each of the following
committees listed in alphabetical order:
Bylaws and Resolutions Committee |
High Power Rifle Committee |
Clubs & Associations Committee |
Law Enforcement Assistance Committee |
Competitions Rules & Programs Committee |
Legal Affairs Committee |
Committee on Elections |
Legislative Policy Committee |
F-Class High Power Rifle Committee |
Military & Veterans Affairs Committee |
Finance Committee |
Nominating Committee |
Gun Collectors Committee |
Protest Committee |
Committee on Hearings |
Subcommittee on State & Local Affairs |
I have also served on the Boards of
Trustees for the NRA Foundation, the NRA Special Contribution Fund (Whittington
Center), and the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund.
The NRA is a large and complex
organization. Because of my years of experience, I know the NRA - the good, the
bad and the ugly.
It takes both knowledge and experience
to effectively bring about change and reform.
Back in the day, I served as the Chairman of the
Finance Committee for ten (10) years - from 1997 until 2007. I was first
appointed to that position by President Hammer and then again by President
Heston, President Robinson, and President Froman.
I removed myself from the Chair and
from the Finance Committee when I became President because I felt that it was a
conflict of interest to serve in both positions simultaneously. Some of my
successors felt otherwise.
I was appointed by President Hammer
to reform and reshape the Finance Committee to be NRA's "Business Committee."
During my time as Chairman, we adopted a new Purchasing Policy, a new Travel
Policy, and a new Investment Policy.
The old Development Office became the Office of Advancement,
and our Membership Affinity Programs were dramatically expanded, adding new
sources of revenue to the balance sheet, new benefits for our members, and a
new sense of pride among our members. Most importantly, NRA was operating on a
balanced budget basis at that time.
Openness and transparency were the watchwords of the day. Our
December Budget Meetings frequently lasted two full days with every Department
within the organization participating.
Our investment portfolio grew, and we established both
short-term and long-term reserves.
NRA was both solvent and strong. Our members trusted us, our
donors trusted us and our enemies feared us.
Sadly, most of us who served on the Finance Committee during
those "glory years" are no longer on the Board and no longer on the Committee.
You have seen the results.
As Your
There is no greater honor in the Second Amendment
Community than to be chosen to serve as the President of the National Rifle
Association of America - with one exception. That exception is to be known and
remembered as "The Members' President." (See DSSA Endorsement Letter).
During my presidency, NRA Membership
grew, NRA Programs flourished, our NRA Clubs grew strong and effective, our
donors were plentiful and generous, and NRA-ILA won victory after victory,
including the landmark Supreme Court decision in Washington, D.C. v. Heller.
As a member of the Supreme Court Bar, I was privileged to be present in the
courtroom during the oral arguments in Heller.
During my two years as NRA
President, we operated with a balanced budget and increased our membership by
nearly 700,000 additional NRA members.
As NRA's 59th President I
especially focused on two sectors of NRA's membership that I believed were
being underserved - Competitors and Veterans.
I took precious time from my family
and from my job as an attorney to travel and meet our members in every venue
possible, from FONRA dinners to competitive shooting events, to State
Association meetings, and Second Amendment rallies throughout the country.
The most meaningful and moving visits were my trips to the
Bethesda Naval Hospital and Walter Read Army Hospital, and my interactions with
the various private organizations serving the needs of America's disabled
As a result of these visits, I sponsored the creation of two
new committees dedicated to better serve our veteran members, the Military and
Veterans Affairs Committee and the Disabled Shooting Committee.
My first-hand observations that NRA was not properly serving
the competitive shooting community led to the creation of The Competitive
Shooting Endowment and renewed efforts to make NRA's National Matches at Camp
Perry a much more competitor-friendly experience.
I also used my office as NRA's President to encourage our
clubs and associations to become more welcoming to women and youth. Those who
have heard me speak on the topic have often heard me say that "If the hand
that rocks the cradle doesn't hold a firearm, the occupant of that cradle
probably never will either."
It is absolutely imperative that America's women feel welcome
and comfortable on our ranges and in our clubs, and that they feel at home
within our NRA Family.
NRA Vice
Prior to my election as NRA's President, I was elected
to two consecutive terms as NRA's 2nd Vice President (2003-2005) and
two consecutive terms as NRA's 1st Vice President (2005-2007).
During those four years I devoted almost every weekend to visiting with NRA
members at various events and venues, listening what they had to say, hearing
their complaints and concerns, and passing their ideas and suggestions on to
the other officers, Staff, and the Board.
From coast to coast, from the Gulf
Coast to the Canadian border, NRA members had one consistent message - "Make
the NRA strong and effective, fight for the Second Amendment, and be America's
strong voice for Freedom."
I heard that message loud and clear.
National Firearms Law Seminar:
Very early during my tenure of the NRA Board of
Directors it became apparent to me and another member of the Board who is also
an attorney that the future would surely bring a marked increase in Second
Amendment litigation throughout the country and that far too few lawyers
understood the philosophical and technical intricacies of Second Amendment
jurisprudence, and we both knew from personal experience that, with few exceptions,
most jurisdictions require mandatory continuing legal education (CLE).
We also knew that many attorneys
provided estate planning services for their clients. We viewed a possible CLE
program as an opportunity to educate attorneys as to the charitable giving
opportunities the NRA Foundation could provide for their pro-gun and pro-NRA
That other attorney was now-Past
President Sandra Froman, and together she and I founded the remarkably
successful NRA National Firearms Law Seminar which is now held annually in
conjunction with NRA's Annual Meeting of Members.
For more information concerning my
education and experience please visit the following pages found elsewhere within
this website:
Why I am Running (My Platform)
"Let's Make NRA Great
Let's do it together!